Height: 5’2″(156cm) / Weight: 92.6 lbs(42kg)
Nationality: Japan
Languages: Japanese and English
Skills: Classic Ballet, Capoeira, Swimming, Sewing, Knitting
What I love: Drawing!
→Resume (pdf file)
→Press and media coverage
Miki Nomura spent most of her life in the suburb of Tokyo after giving her first cry in the countryside. in her childhood. She began to take classic ballet lessons frequently, but her devotion gradually turned toward another place because the difference in ability among the students prevented her from enjoy dancing. It was the drama club. She got fascinated by the profundity and ecstasy of acting.
Then, she went on to the department of Literature at Waseda University and joined the most old-established theatrical circle called Waseda University Drama Research Society. The eccentric method and strict exercises trained her both physically and mentally and gave her fortitude. Moreover, she acquired the outstanding sewing skill from her dedication to making costumes until leaving the circle.
One day, an actress who she thought was very attractive motivated her to challenge the audition. Fortunately, she passed it and made her professional debut on the stage performance of the theatrical group called Seatagaya Silk. She was invited by the group one after another since that, so theatrical lessons occupied almost all her time. Meanwhile, she was scouted by a talent agency and then appeared as Miki Inamori, which is her former professional name, in some commercials and TV dramas, for example, Kodoku no gurume-Season 2-(TV Tokyo, 2012) and The last Cinderella(Fuji TV, 2013), Doubles-Futari no keiji-(TV Asahi, 2013) and Shinigami kun (TV Asahi, 2014).
Recently she went to the US in order to study acting and to brush up her declined English skill. After two months of the acting program at New York Film Academy in LA, she was highly moved with the exciting and inspiring experience and thought that LA is the more appropriate place for my exuberant competitive spirit. Then, she came back to LA with a flame of motivation although she returned to Japan once. She is now watching for a chance, cultivating the multidimensional perspective by learning film shooting from the backstage through not only an actress but also a production designer.[/two_third]
Miki Nomuraは新潟県にて産声をあげたものの、生誕の地へ地元愛が定着するのを待たずして埼玉県へ移住、そこが人生の本拠地となる。幼少期よりクラシックバレエに魅了され、バレリーナになりたいという甘い幻想を胸にレッスンへ足繫く通い始めるが、徐々に周囲との実力の差が明るみになる日々にとうとう耐えかねた結果、別の場所へ身を投じるようになる。それが演劇部であった。そこで演劇の奥深さと何より演じる快感に巡り会えた。
ある日、客演していたある女優さんが気に入り、その方主催のオーディションに参加したところ運良く合格、世田谷シルクという劇団にて初舞台を踏む。それ以来続けざまに世田谷シルクの公演へ誘われるようになり、ひたすら舞台稽古に明け暮れた。そんな中、劇研つながりで出演した舞台で映像系の芸能事務所の方にスカウトされる。その後は、稲森みき(芸名)として、孤独のグルメ season 2 (テレビ朝日 2012)、ラストシンデレラ(フジテレビ 2013)、ダブルス(テレビ朝日 2013)、死神くん (テレビ朝日 2014)といったテレビドラマや幾つかのコマーシャルに出演しながら、映像と舞台の違いを学んだ。
大学を卒業してからだいぶ衰えた英語力に磨き直したかった事もあり、突如演劇留学という名目で渡米。New York Film Academyで2か月ほどActingを学び、いまだかつて味わった事のない刺激的かつ啓発的な経験に大いに感動すると同時に、ある事に気づく。自身のあふれんばかりの闘争心を受け止めてくれる場所はここであると。そして一度日本へ帰国するも、発火してしまったやる気の炎は誰にも消火できるはずもなく、見事に再渡米を果たす。女優だけではなく、プロダクションデザイナーなど撮影を舞台裏からも学ぶ事で、偏りのない多面的な視点を育みつつ、米国での活躍の機会を今か今かと窺っている。