Tag: Academy Awards


After the Oscars / アカデミー賞を終えて (海外の反応・現地の様子)


Hollywood returned to the usual appearance after the 89th Academy Awards ceremony. I couldn’t watch all of it in real time, but I really enjoyed knowing the results and what happened in the ceremony.



Academy Awards! 世界最大の映画の祭典に行ってみよう。


The 89th Academy Awards ceremony, which is going to be held on the 26th of this month, is attracting much attention all over the world now. You may not know everything regarding the Academy Awards, but the Academy Awards have a lot of interesting facts.



LA LA LAND / 観たらロスに来たくなる!! (感想・あらすじ)

映画業界のみならず今LAの話題をも独占している映画「LA LA LAND」をとうとう鑑賞してまいりました。来月発表となるアカデミー賞でも複数の部門に渡る受賞が見込まれている大注目のミュージカル映画について、感想も併せてご紹介いたします。

I watched “LA LA LAND,” which is now attracting people’s attention. Overall, it is a MUST-SEE!