Month: December 2016


#N.Y.E.L.A / LA在住日本人に朗報!大晦日の無料カウントダウンイベント


While we have quite a few days until next year, LA seems to be bathing in the afterglow of Christmas. On the other hand, I heard that a free New Year’s Eve event is gathering attention in LA.



話題のLAで一番美しいクリスマスイルミネーションを楽しむ(無料)@Riverside, CA

I was really fascinated by the beautiful landmark and its gorgeous illumination which consists of an enormous number of lights…

観光スポットとしても名高い老舗ホテル、The Mission Inn Hotel & Spaにて毎年開催、今年で24周年のホリデーイベント“Festival of Lights”を拝見しに、ロサンゼルス郊外まで少しばかり遠出してきました。上質な雰囲気の美しい歴史的建造物と何千何万もの電球を用いたイルミネーションの豪華絢爛さにすっかり目を奪われました。




Rogue One on opening day/本場で観るスターウォーズは凄かった。

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story” was released and the movie theaters in Hollywood got filled with a lot of fans. And, we had big surprises at the screening!





Star Wars Rogue One Premier @ Hollywood / 新作ローグワンプレミア

スターウォーズ, ハリウッド, レッドカーペット

The world premiere of “Rogue One” was held in Hollywood yesterday. Hollywood boulevard was being cleaned up this early morning before dawn.






Mr. Lopez (Short) / NYFAの監督さんたち


I participated in the shoot of “Mr.Lopez”, which is a short film directed by Chenlin Qian.

It was shoot in a small chapel in a cemetery. The entire structure was so different from Japanese ones that I felt the cultural difference between the U.S. and Japan.


本日は先日のオーディションにてありがたくも選定された短編フィルム、「Mr. Lopez」 (Chenlin Qian監督)に撮影に参加してまいりました。

