The short horror film which I was in, finally got completed! The number of the viewers started to grow quickly after the release, so I’m astounded to know that the film is getting more responses than I anticipated.
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“Weird is good” 気味が悪いって素敵!
こちらの「Crypt TV」は「Weird is good」(気味が悪いって素敵)をモットーに、今隆盛を極めているホラーというジャンルのみに特化して、豊富なオリジナル作品を配信しているインターネットTVチャンネルです。
様々なホラー映画を無料で楽しむ事ができる為、全米だけでなく世界中でも人気を集めており、毎日約30万人もの人々が、このCrypt TVを通じて不気味な映像を楽しんでいるようです。
“Crypt TV” is an online TV station which is distributing just horror contents. Its motto is “Weird is good.” The viewers can enjoy various horror movies free, so it’s so popular not only in the U.S. but also all over the world. About three million people are watching it per day.
Eli Roth, who is one of the founders, is an actor and also producing many horror movies as a director. The number of the fan on Facebook is 1,829,541. Even now it’s still getting bigger and bigger.
I overcame a lot of challenges that happened during filming as I wrote about it before (You can check behind the scene from here!). I was really looking forward to seeing the completed film, and it finally got released on the other day.
Crypt TVの創業者の一人であるイーライ・ロスは俳優として活躍する傍ら、自身でも数々のホラー映画を製作しており、現在注目を集めている映画監督です。ちなみに、Crypt TVのファンはfacebook上だけでも1,829,541人(執筆時点)に上るそうで、現在もその数は絶えず増加の一途を辿っています。
In spite of the fact that just 20 hours has passed since it started to be uploaded, it hit over 102,000 in less than 24 hrs! (On the other hand, My demo reel I uploaded 3 moths ago, was viewed just 171 times… lol) I realized that Crypt TV has a great influence.

アップロードしてから三ヶ月も経過しているにもかかわらず、いまだに171回しか視聴されていない私のデモリール(映像資料)と比較しますと、その差は一目瞭然です。いかにこのCrypt TVが凄まじい伝播力を持っているかを窺い知れますね。

Anyway, I’m so glad that the film which I participated in has been viewed by lots of people. I hope that I am on the big screen someday (with dialogue)!
You can watch the film from below. Watch out for the volume when you play it.
I really appreciate the precious opportunity!
Dir. Griffin Devine and Alyssa Radmand