I appeared in two student films on Sunday and Tuesday this week. The both were shot on Canon C300, and the footage looked pretty amazing!
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First, I acted in as “Friend C” for “Match” directed by Selina Eichhorn on Sunday.
Although I was a little nervous at first, I was affected by the enthusiastic attitude in which the crew and casts were working on the shooting, so I could have a very precious experience.
どちらの撮影もCanonのC300で撮影致しました。Canonのシネマシリーズのカメラですが、低予算の映画には、Sony FS7と並んでハリウッドでも人気ですよね。日本ではどうなのでしょう?
まず日曜ですが、Selina Eichhorn監督の”Party Time”に友人役として参加。パーティーというものに普段あまり馴染みがないもので、初めは少々緊張しましたが、クルーとキャストの方々が大変意欲的な姿勢で撮影に臨まれていたので、私自身も感化され、とても貴重な体験をする事ができました。
Next, I played a ghost in “Caroline” directed by Adrianne Lundy today.
It was a role of releasing its inner violent passion without hesitation, for example, a screaming scene. Not only could I enjoy, but also I could relieve my own feeling.
I appreciate both of the opportunities and all the crew members. Thank you so much!
そして本日火曜は、Adrianne Lundy監督の”Caroline”で幽霊を演じました。
Once again, I really appreciate the great opportunity and would like to thank the crew!